The Card of Fate - The Six Of Spade

This is a powerful card, and the card of a person who is here to learn the responsibility of such power. These people either align themselves to a higher purpose and vision and achieve great success, or have their power turned against them for their own downfall. As a rule, these people are very responsible for their actions but a strong Neptune influence can lead many of them down the road of escapism and time lost in fantasy. They are dreamers to be sure. They must latch on to the highest dream they can and use their power to attain it. Nothing can stop them once this vision is clear. Fulfillment on every level is guaranteed. They must watch a tendency to fall into a comfortable rut. They can also be very stubborn. Through the acquisition of knowledge they find great fulfillment, life purpose, direction, and many good friends. Some of their greatest challenges come in the area of love and romance. Their own indecision works against them.
The Search for Love Card - The Ace Of Hearts

The Ace of Hearts represents a desire for affection or love that is the stimulus that causes new relationships to be created. For this reason, it can indicate a new love affair or the birth of a child. Though influenced by each planetary period in a specific and unique way, this creative love energy always represents an awakening of love or passion in one's heart.
On a deeper level, the Ace of Hearts, being the very first card in the deck, represents a search for something inside of our self. Perhaps it is the search for self-identity or for those things that help us to love who we are unconditionally. In order to love ourselves, we often find someone to love who reflects back to us what we are seeking within. This is why the Ace of Hearts can represent a new relationship beginning.
The Universal Giver Card - The Nine Of Spades

The Nine of Spades can be a card of loss and disappointment. However, the true nature of the card reveals that its presence in your life for any period of time does not have to be a disaster. In actuality, the Nine of Spades represents making a completion of some importance. Whether this is the end of a certain occupation, way of life, or way of being with your health and body will depend upon the position of the card and the circumstances in your life at the time. But rest assured that some important aspect of your life is coming to an end when this potent card shows up.
This is also one of the death cards and indeed, when this card shows up there will be a death in your life of some kind. We go through many mini-deaths in the course of our lifetime and just like the snake shedding its skin, arrive at a new and better place each time we do so. Therefore the Nine of Spades is not a card to be feared but instead a card to be welcomed. It always has the ability to clear away all the unwanted and useless debris in our life and put us back on a new course where we are much more enlivened and satisfied.
The Millionnaire's Card - The Seven Of Diamonds

The Seven of Diamonds is one of the spiritual money cards. When it appears we are always confronted with how attached we are to our money and given an opportunity to experience the real prosperity that comes with an attitude of gratitude.
Whether it is about money, plans to make money, or love, situations will present themselves that test our faith in the abundance of the universe. By realizing and then releasing our fears, we can transform our attachment into total fearlessness and personal freedom.
Last Period - 23/10/2009 - 14/12/2009
The King of Knowledge and Master of Distinctions - The King Of Clubs

The King of Clubs is the highest card in the suit of knowledge. It bestows mastery and success in any of the communications fields, but especially in situations where we are able and willing to take a leadership position or assume responsibility. Remember that every King has a kingdom. If you are involved in one of the communications related fields and are willing to stand up and take charge, there is no better card to indicate your success.
The King of Clubs is highly intuitive, can make fine mental distinctions, and will never do anything to compromise his or her integrity or inner truth. Keep these qualities in mind whenever this powerful card appears in your reading.
Current Period - 15/12/2009 - 6/02/2010
The Father Card - The King Of Hearts

The King of Hearts, being the highest card in the suit of love, rules through love, compassion and wisdom. He has all the power and knowledge of love and knows how to use it, thus when this card appears, it gives you the opportunity to have more control over your feelings and romantic impulses. This will bring more success in all your personal relationships. For men, this is also the card of the loving father and of sexual enjoyment. Thus, it can indicate the conception or birth of a child.
For ladies, the King of Hearts represents the perfect lover or companion and so it often indicates having an enjoyable sexual relationship or in some cases, marriage. But for all of us, the King of Hearts brings success in dealing with our own emotions, success with the public and in any of the artistic fields and romantic success in one form or another.
You are currently in the Neptune 52-day period of your year. This period began on 12/15/2009 and will end on 02/6/2010.
Next Period - 7/02/2010 - 30/03/2010
The Mother of Intuition Card - The Queen Of Clubs

The Queen of Clubs is a card of great intuition, good organizational ability and the desire to serve and nurture others with some form of knowledge or information. Like the King of Clubs, she has much authority and power. But her power comes more from the receptive side of her nature. She knows things before they happen and operates on a high mental vibration. She can be high strung and impatient.
When you get this card in your reading, it can bring success in any of the communications fields. It can help make you more receptive to your intuition and make you feel like serving others more. It is a successful card, much like the Eight or Ten of Clubs, but also present is the nurturing quality of the mother. Of course the Queen of Clubs also is the Personality Card for all women of the Clubs suit and so this card can also represent your involvement with one of your female Club friends or associates.