Wednesday, July 29, 2009
WED 29 JULY 09
Your intuition is going to tell you that someone has been pulling a fast one. You need to listen to that inner voice, because it could save you from losing a lot of money to some smooth talker who is taking advantage of your generosity or trusting nature.
Your emotions are quite a bit more intense than usual, and one might take you by surprise -- a flash of anger or a sudden burst of romantic interest in someone totally new. Run with it, as it's as real as it gets.
The Wheel of Fortune deals with the unpredictable situations in life. Your path in life takes many detours, often directed by forces and events beyond your control. This card represents change in your life, so be ready for unexpected challenges to come your way. This card usually denotes that good luck is coming your way.
If you are offered a new job, or if someone in the workplace is talking about big changes today, take everything with a gigantic grain of salt. Chances are not much will change as a result of promises that are made today. You may find that for every chore you clear off your desk a new one replaces it.
In your professional or social life, things may not turn out as well as foreseen; but don't lose heart: the situation will improve quite soon. Refrain from heavy or too rich foods and eat green, raw vegetables so as to help your digestive function. A friend may disappoint you; but if you're not too severe you can understand his/her comportment and condone it. Heartwise, things will be going as well as you could wish; however, you can even improve them by showing much patience and understanding toward the person you love.
Intellectual disagreements or differences of opinion and viewpoints arise now. You may have to speak your mind in a way that challenges or unnerves someone else. However, your mind is very active and sharp, and your reasoning power is good, so this is a good time to do mental work.
Sudden realizations of overall requirements in a relationship can give you a better idea on what's really going on. Clear demands are more easily met and you know where you stand when the possible and impossible are sorted out. Your limitations become clearer which makes any obstacles easier to work around or eliminate.
You may have some disagreements with your spouse on household issues; be cool and understanding, knowing that such issues are only of minor importance, otherwise the family atmosphere could become tense. Your intuition will prove to be of great help to you this time, especially in your work and social life. Be generous to make others happy: give your blood if there's an occasion for it, don't refuse to give some small changes to a homeless person.
You may find yourself looking for a little romance today or at least enjoying some emotional release. You have a special magnetism and attractive power now, and you are feeling intensely loving also. You may want to just get out and walk or exercise and get those endorphins worked up, you'll feel better and look better to!
Unless other conditions are prevailing in your life, this should be a happy, relaxed, and successful period -- one in which you should take advantage of all opportunities for social advancements. Do what you can to make yourself available for new contacts that can lead to successful linking of associations.
A happy amorous experience may present itself to you in a trip or an unforeseen encounter with a stranger. This day will be very propitious for betrothals and happy unions. If you want to be able to reach your various objectives, you should clearly define them beforehand in accordance with your real possibilities, not with your wishful thinking. Excellent relations with the various members of your family circle, but on condition that you try to spare their touchiness.
The World card suggests that my alter ego is The Conqueror, whose superpower lies in graduation to the next level. Today I am free. I have accomplished my mission and feel on top of the world. I will enjoy the experience to its fullest. I have come full circle on my path to success. My job is done, my dream fulfilled, and I have them eating out of my hands. Accept and embrace the journey taken. It has served great purpose in my growing wiser and stronger, and has provided a sense of relief in that now it's complete.
You are into serious "shopaholic" mode right now. The upside is that you can definitely find some really good bargains. The downside is that you could spend way too much money on things that you don't really need. Be careful to ask yourself "do I really need this".
The Chariot is the representation of victory and a reminder that, through dedication and perseverance, great obstacles can be overcome. This card indicates that you are in control of your destiny and that your will is strong. Your refusal to surrender is your great attribute at this time. You will soon find yourself in a difficult situation that requires you to be in complete control of your actions and confident in your abilities.
You will be greatly tempted to play hooky from your household chores today. Your energies are a little scattered, and focusing yourself on the daily grind will be an effort. Once you do regain your focus some exciting ideas will bubble up to the surface.
Your financial interests will be well supported, and your business must know an activity superior to the average; but this should not be a reason to give in to your hunger for spendings! You'll float on your small rose cloud without, however, losing contact with reality for as much. This astral ambience will doubtlessly bring you important changes; but for once, you'll be delighted by this hubbub. All told, you'll be happy to live and well at ease.
MON 27 JULY 09
A massage session or a meditation retreat may seem like an exorbitant luxury, but yourself have those little treats you have been denying yourself. You will be able to work that much more effectively if you are relaxed, refreshed, and in command.
The Chariot is the representation of victory and a reminder that, through dedication and perseverance, great obstacles can be overcome. This card indicates that you are in control of your destiny and that your will is strong. Your refusal to surrender is your great attribute at this time. You will soon find yourself in a difficult situation that requires you to be in complete control of your actions and confident in your abilities.
You'll have a ball if you can escape the office today. If you are a parent, your kids will be delighted with you today because you'll be a bundle of fun. Your energy is high, and there is a romantic electricity in the air. If you are not a parent, and don't want to be one, play safely today.
Compatible energy surrounds you today and it pays not to make demands on others at this time. Welcome the help and share the wealth in whatever you have going on at the moment. Try to be diplomatic and considerate of others and you will get farther for it, so be on your best behavior.
Things are heating up today so be careful how you approach that special someone in your life. You'll need to present things in a practical manner, so there won't be any misunderstandings what you are trying to do and accomplish for both of you.
During this week you'll have the best chances of bringing your activities to a successful conclusion, especially those concerning your career. With your close ones, you'll also use your increased magnetism, and things will run like clockwork. You'll be able to profit by kindness and useful supports coming from people of the other sex; don't deprive yourself of them. No big health problems to be feared, but your vitality will undergo a slight decline; it'll be necessary to avoid alcoholic drinks, which are bad for your kidneys, and to take a little more rest.
If you want to feel really in good shape, drive out of your mind all resentment, all idea of vengeance, all negative thought. You'll have good chances to make interesting friends or to live passionate amorous adventures. You're likely this time to meet with delays in your habitual money entries. Your will to succeed in your career will be very much favored; consolidate your achievements; don't commit yourself more than necessary, otherwise your daily life will no longer have anything pleasant.
A progressive week ahead. You will get bore and will feel some restlessness and dissatisfaction with regular routines. You may feel renewed by a new perspective on your life, something philosophical or spiritual that you read or learn, or an adventure that takes you away from the mundane routines in your life. At work, your imagination will be strong and you strive towards success. You will be inspired to go ahead. You will also enjoy your work and will feel relaxed while performing it. Travel.
If in business, you will make an effort to initiate new projects or activities that expand your mind, feed your spirit for adventure, and stretch your imagination. Negative attitude will bring loss to your business, so try to be friendly and expand your relations. Meetings and negotiations are important. Do not believe on your subordinates.
Financially, this week brings ups and downs where flow of income is concerned. You may face trouble in obtaining money from any one of your source. You are suggested to be diplomatic and do not be harsh in your approach. There is also possibility of heavy expenditure. It is possible that you may have to draw some amount from one of your funds. Investment in mutual funds and insurance policy is favourable whereas avoid taking risk in real estates, shares and speculation.
Romance flourishes this week. If single, then slow and steady approach to find right love is suggested. Do not take fast steps. Wait for the right person. If married, your energy will run high. It is necessary to control and turn into right direction. Otherwise, it may spoil intimacy. It is also possible that you will expect a lot from your partner. Impulsiveness and overlooking minor issues will enhance the problem. Adjustment is the key to happiness now. The progress of children will be slow but satisfactory and you will be keeping sensible and realistic approach to it. However, you will find less time to enjoy with them.
Students will be quiet practical to achieve their goals. Burden is likely to increase. You are required to pace up now to keep the things on the right track. Laziness and self-indulgence should be avoided. This is not a good time to appear in exams or competitions. Practicing sports for increasing the skills will be helpful now.
27th Internal struggles are minimized. Progress at work. Love relations require your attention.
28th Some sort of compromise is required at workplace. Good for yielding gains. Romance flourishes.
29th You are trying to balance various areas at work to make things run more smoothly. Sociability increases.
30th Meetings and negotiations prove to be gainful. Attention to personal relations is also required today.
31st Good gains for business professionals. Benefits through others. Love relations favoured today.
1st Meetings at work need your attention. Avoid careless mistakes. Sensitivity in close relations.
2nd A need to take a pause and recharge yourself both mentally and at work. Good for romance and gains.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
SAT 25 JULY 09
You may have a sudden moment of self-doubt in your intuition today, especially where it comes to relationships and romance. Someone, most likely an older relative or companion, has cast doubt on your beliefs about your love life. Trust your own feelings.
You feel much more connected to the people around you, so now is a good time for heart-to-hearts and other serious conversations. They don't have to be life-changing, but they should be front and center in your life.
The Hierophant is the protector of culture and traditions. Conventional by nature, he is a staunch defender of the beliefs a group embraces. He represents a spiritual guide and teacher and is someone to go to for guidance and advice. Never one to question authority, he thrives on structure and values and lives a life of conformity.
You might try to avoid or appease a "mother figure" in your family today, but she's likely to be something of a "hard sell". You'll get the message and you will know what needs to be done, but there are some challenges, because she seems a little too determined to be unhappy right now.
You'll have the desire to change your professional horizon, to do a more interesting, more creative job; but can one always do what one likes to? Risk of dispersion; difficulty to concentrate yourself, to gather up your ideas. Satisfy yourself for the moment with carrying out monotonous, repetitive tasks, for which you're perfectly prepared. You'll try to relive certain events of the past, to rediscover certain atmospheres of the revolved times; let the past in oblivion, don't allow it to clutter up your life.
Self-expression on many levels is big for you today, and it won't take long to get back into the swing of something you adore doing. There's a new feel to your job situation, especially when you have more say in what hours you work. Your money-flow should be improving soon if not already.
You are more distressed than usual over any the uneasy energy in your environment or personal relationships, and you are inclined to avoid serious discussions or real disagreements with others. Also, challenging mental work and concentration is difficult for you now. Take a break if possible and just chill out for the day.
You could solicit a pay raise or make active moves to obtain a promotion; success will be assured. If you envisage to change your job, be very careful before staking your future; get all necessary information beforehand. In your conversations absolutely avoid such delicate subjects as religion or politics: the risk of a dispute or loud voices will be important; in any case, keep your opinions to yourself, don't display them and above all don't impose them. This planetary environment will render you attractive and in much better amorous mood than lately. Luck will help you find the soul mate that you're looking for.
Friday, July 24, 2009
FRI 24 JULY 09
You can only gloss over the problems for so long and then it gets too hard keeping up a show. You may be avoiding some hurts from the past and can't adequately address how they are impacting current relationships in your life. You know that these events have passed and nothing more can be done about them, yet they still haunt you. Now is an ideal time for you to start shedding negative baggage from the past. Your future is bright and there is no reason for you to allow the past to taint it.
Secrets may suddenly come to light, and while you might be angry or frustrated at first, if you allow yourself a deep breath or two, you may discover that there are golden opportunities in some hard lessons you will learn. Rule number one - it ain't over until it's over. Be patient, wait and see what happens.
You're right to be skeptical of the latest proposal or person to come your way -- look a lot deeper before signing on! You may need to try something a little sneaky to get the info you need.
The High Priestess is the mysterious one and counterpart to the Magician. She symbolizes all that we are unable to perceive or comprehend, as she travels in dimensions that we can only imagine exist. She is able to uncover the infinite potential that exists within all humans. Her patience is perhaps her greatest virtu
Challenges arise from an elder member of your family who has some medical issues. While you may feel that you are unfairly burdened, you will find that there is a great opportunity to build closeness and to be of true service today. That can bring incredible rewards.
Your eloquence will work wonders; profit by this chance to solve your various problems as quickly as possible. Of course, you'll sometimes have to take pains to succeed, but the stakes will be worth the effort. This time, show moderation in everything. Don't run after riches, power, or honors at the risk of jeopardizing your physical or mental health. This lunar phase will give you tremendous charm, and you can win a new collection of hearts.
Your relations with others will be of prime importance; but some differences of views may provoke dissensions; try to dominate your impatience. Without wanting it expressly, you'll this time give out the impression of being easy-going and dilettante. However, this will be nothing but an appearance for you'll lack neither drive nor optimism! This will be the moment to buckle down to a project that requires energy and daring, but you must succeed in curbing your aggressiveness, otherwise the situation may get out of hand.
The Three of Chalices card suggests that my power today lies in celebration. I am not alone. I embrace the pleasure of the moment and share the beauty and joy of a common bond within my sisterhood. I am empowered by inclusion and my gift is spontaneous rapture.
There are unexpected developments in that home-based or family-oriented business that keeps coming up in your chart. You may find that there is a sudden burst of interest after you set up your web site, or that you are getting a ton of orders through fax or email.
Your long-range goals, life direction, or career aims come into focus now. You gain clarity or a stronger sense of purpose, which energizes your efforts to get ahead or move toward what you really want. Recognition or support from your superiors or others who are in a position to assist you is likely now, especially if you take some initiative.
Good feelings may be taken for granted today, so you might go out of your way to appreciate them. Positive elements today are the little things in life, try to pay closer attention to them at this time. Someone may be very appreciative of this even if you aren't paying attention.
The Lovers
The Lovers represent a powerful union and the harmony of opposites. It represents the combining of two elements to create an even greater entity. This card often represents the formation of a new relationship or the strengthening of a current one. Love can come your way at anytime. There are difficult decisions to be made and conflict may arise when temptation and desire overcome morals and ethics.
Monday, July 20, 2009
MON 20 JULY 09
You don't have time to ponder or bemoan your fate -- just take care of today's big problem (it comes late in the day) and move on. You should feel much better once you're past it for good.
The Wheel of Fortune deals with the unpredictable situations in life. Your path in life takes many detours, often directed by forces and events beyond your control. This card represents change in your life, so be ready for unexpected challenges to come your way. This card usually denotes that good luck is coming your way.
You could make some money today by following your intuition and trusting your instincts. You may find an extremely good bargain at the book store, record store or at a new-age shop where you finally locate some music you have been looking for recently.
The present astral ambience will confer you unusual dynamism by rendering you very active and extremely courageous; it will notably incline you to take initiatives in the field of leisure; and of course it will favor all physical activities as well as sport in general. Your social life will enchant you. Your new acquaintances are likely to become long-standing, intimate relations. One of these acquaintances may even inaugurate a thrilling love story!
As far as getting ahead and achieving things, this is a low point. Try to work out or find ways to express yourself physically, like working in the yard or playing sports; otherwise you are prone to become belligerent with the people you are closest to.
It's going to be a busy day for you as you'll want to communicate and get in touch with those closest to your heart. Numerous phone calls, emails, networking, errands, or discussions bring you into contact with others. This is a good time to brainstorm with others, share ideas and long term goals.
You'll glow, charm, and make new acquaintances. But don't for as much neglect your old friends. Beware of dermatological problems, which won't disappear rapidly; eat more carrots and brewer's yeast, and reduce your intake of butter. You'll wonderfully understand the person whom you love, and your exquisitely subtle comportment will imperceptibly endear him/her more to you. There'll be movement and animation in your life, and this will give you tremendous tonicity and an extraordinary form.
Two of Swords
July 2009 Week 4
You'll have to express yourself more and show more warmth in your love relationships. Contracts of all kinds will be favored, and you'll harvest comfortable gains. Remain yourself, do not try to resemble someone else. One of your children will undoubtedly need to be listened to and to feel understood. Risk of a dispute with one of your neighbors; the solution will reside in courtesy, diplomacy, but also in firmness; in case of bad faith of the other party, initiate an exchange of letters.
A busy week ahead. This week the solar eclipse in the solar seventh house makes you alert to interact with others, either in the public, or through a close partnership. For some, marriage or divorce will be an issue. For most, carving out a personal identity that includes a significant other who furthers their own personal growth will come into focus. The coming period should give you a push towards a stronger identity or sense of purposefulness through close partnership.
Also at work, changes for satisfying work schedules can be successfully initiated. It is good time for journalist, media professionals and writers. Communications are favoured so business through internet, software, making presentations or meetings etc. During this week what you sow will reap into benefits. Favourable period to search a new job.
If in business, then it is a time of taking care of business, handling details, and increasing your efficiency by re-organizing the work. Now you will be working enthusiastically at tasks that help you to get caught up in your work. Any blockage at subordinate level may make you frustrate.
Financially, this week flow of income will be slow but sure. Any delayed payment may be received by performing little efforts. Business dealings with countries abroad will flourish now. Savings will be good. Expenditure on fun, picnic or on children is expected this week. Investments regarding mutual funds and insurance policies are favorable. Selling of land is favorable than buying. Avoid investing in shares or speculations.
This week you will heal yourself with earlier vicissitudes in relations. You require solitude to come up to the mental level. It is time for open discussions with your close ones on your personal relations and closeness. Domestic contentment will be realized. If single, your energy is erratic. You require focusing it on various factors to find someone suitable. It is not a proper time to approach or expect love from someone. Now you require to improve your looks, dress up, style and overall personality. If married, the things would not move according to desire style. You may feel distance with your partner. The things will not be clear. Either you or your partner does not feel comfortable to discuss. It is suggested to create harmony and openness to dissolve the issues, if existed earlier. You will be more cautious in your intimate affairs.
Students are energetic and motivated to keep their spirits high. This is positive period to show your skills and efficiency. This is not a promising week for players and practicing sports.
20th Good for mental work, less ego involvement, but be careful not to criticize others. Possible health problems or nervousness.
21st Time for quick housework to restore order, smooth operation inside and out. Reestablishment of regimen lets each path run unobstructed, snarls and tangles won't appear to begin with, so take the short, but tedious, time it takes to will it.
22nd your conscious and unconscious mind are at odds now and you find it difficult to be decisive. Unfinished business gets in the way of current objectives.
23rd Energy is low and efforts are more ineffectual than usual -- either push twice as hard or take the day off and wait for improvement. You'll be back in style in no time.
24th Facts that are hard to find can be rooted out and put a new light on things, not only on the outside, but within.
25th brings benefit through partner's/spouse resources. Gainful business dealings. Good day to family's affairs.
26th surface up little issues with the persons you deal with daily. Finances may be in a state of flux. Your budget may be chaotic.
SUN 19 JULY 09
Money, money, money! Get busy today, and you can make a lot of it. There will be sudden and unexpected opportunities to leverage personal connections to better your place in the rat race, and therefore build a more solid financial future for yourself.
Your physical drive and energy level are high now, and you can accomplish a great deal fairly easily. You are inclined to take the initiative or to strike out on your own, and you are likely to be successful at what you attempt at this time.
A need to be the center of attention takes hold in your life now. It's actually a craving to give and to be appreciated for your inner self more than your material side of life. This can be a creative and even romantic time in your life, one to look back on with pride and fondness. Enjoy it and those around you.
The High Priestess

Thursday, July 16, 2009
FRI 17 JULY 09
Compatibility: Pisces
Though you are usually more forward-thinking, right now you're focused squarely on the past -- maybe that of your family? It's a good time of genealogical pursuits or for calling up your parents
Someone from your past catches up with you -- maybe through Facebook, or maybe through simpler methods. It may be fun or a little off-putting, but it should make life more interesting!
Your spiritual intuition has always been great, but right now your energy is over the moon. At least one friend is uncomfortable with your new outlook on life. The truth is that they know they lack your vision or commitment and they fear being left behind.
The emotional energies are a bit on the cool side today and if you encounter the cold shoulder, don't be surprised. Take a tentative step in the direction you want to test it out before you take a big leap and end up way over your head in a long fall. People taking themselves too seriously could also interfere with your goals, so try not to be one of them. |

Though you are usually more forward-thinking, right now you're focused squarely on the past -- maybe that of your family? It's a good time of genealogical pursuits or for calling up your parents.
Your spiritual intuition has always been great, but right now your energy is over the moon. At least one friend is uncomfortable with your new outlook on life. The truth is that they know they lack your vision or commitment and they fear being left behind.
Be extremely cautious in the use of electric or cutting tools, in travels or in driving a car: the risk of an accident will be high. You'll be able to carry out a project of paramount importance or to give free reins to your creativeness. Many of you will no longer resign themselves to mediocre love relationships or compromises that snuff out real sentiments. They may be led to do away with everything existing so as to begin a new life more in accordance with their secret aspirations. They'll benefit from good prospects for the future.
You must be seen to be reliable, predictable and capable of following through on your word. You may have inadvertently promised something in a casual manner and will now have to face the music. Think carefully before agreeing to deliver something that you know in your heart is not possible.
The stars will endow you with a good dose of realism and lucidity which will allow you to moderate your drive and to get excited only for what's really worthwhile; this way you'll find ways to achieve your goals and concretize your most daring dreams. Your position within the group in which you work will be comfortable, and you can easily convince the others of the validity of your actions and projects. Answer a friend who needs help and who timidly appeals to you; don't deceive him by half-heartedness.
Oh yeah time to party! Time for getting a little loose and wild with friends, going dancing, or doing something out of the ordinary that is different and fun. You meet interesting new people and are more open to people who are quite different from yourself. An opportunity for a romance may happen which is likely to be exciting even though short-live
This card is commonly misconstrued and does not specifically pertain to physical death. The Death card signifies change in your life brought about by the ending of a current situation and the beginning of a new one. While the card itself may be morbid, it actually represents exciting change in your life. Be prepared for new and exciting situations to develop
The Justice card suggests that my alter ego is a portal to a Reality Check, whose access to where truth lies is guarded by the superpower of my Karmic Credit/Debit Card. The verdict or results are in and I will get the payoff or payback I deserve today through the natural laws and cycles of accountability, reward, truth and consequences. But the "return on my investment" will diminish or intensify until I finally notice or reap the message sown loud and clear. Whichever way it comes in, at least it happens for a reason and keeps my life in balance. So today when it comes full circle, whatever the result, I accept that I will use it as an opportunity to either try again, make amends or make it right. Let it come around in its own time, keep my hands off the Wheel while this ride is in motion, or impose my brand and risk paying the price.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
You may have good ideas that could help boost your financial prospects today, but there may be self-doubt getting in your way. Your head is telling you one thing, and your heart tells you something else. It is a good idea to do more research, but believe in yourself!
You must be seen to be reliable, predictable and capable of following through on your word. You may have inadvertently promised something in a casual manner and will now have to face the music. Think carefully before agreeing to deliver something that you know in your heart is not possible.
Support from close friends, family, and the women in your life gives you extra confidence now. This is a good time to mend fences and smooth over problems in your home life. Try to find the positive aspects of situations before looking for the negative. It will get you farther and keep you on steadier ground emotionally.
If you continue to burn that candle at ends, your energy and charisma will be severely affected. If you want to look your best, you must get some much needed beauty rest. If you want to look hot, you must feel hot.
Queen of Chalices

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Nine of Pentacles
The Hanged Man ![]() |
Monday, July 13, 2009
MON 13 JULY 09
You may have your own financial ups and downs of late, but today your compassion for someone else's troubles is going to take your mind of any worries you might have yourself. You'll be an angel to someone in emotional distress. Be a good listener.
You share something with a family member or friend that might cause some strife today -- but you should be able to work it out without coming to blows or storming off in a steaming rage.
You don't much feel like going out today. It is a day when you are strongly drawn to prayer, meditation or simple rest, but you may find that erratic energies make this impossible. You'll get a lot of phone calls from friends and companions who are seeking attention or time to gossip.
There could be some changes in your home or family life that will be really beneficial to you just now. Some woman, although not necessarily a relative, will have a profound and even spiritual influence on you and other relatives. This is a time when you extend your love beyond your family and take on a more active role in your community at large.
You may not appreciate how others insist on getting personal with the questions they ask, take it as a compliment that they aren't necessarily being nosey, but that they really want to get to know YOU. Dreams and illusions, forgiveness, and an understanding of human frailties are what arouse deep feelings for you at this time.
You'll probably have the desire to change your life but at the same time will fear being alone or abandoned; in fact, you won't succeed in knowing what you actually want. These astral influences might compel you to suspend or even to withdraw certain plans, or on the contrary give you the desire to give free reins to your dynamism. Be very careful in your undertakings if you must handle important capitals or deal with the tax administration.
If you are feeling frustrated today, just take a deep breath and realize that not everyone will succumb to your charms. Be patient, and wait for that perfect someone to come along. It's only a matter of time.
You have the ability to shine in a group situation today. Your charisma and energy is heightened and your passion is infectious. Use your newfound celebrity as a stepping stone for something meaningful.
Good luck will befall you: you can achieve success in whatever you undertake. Astral climate most favorable to going on the diet program you've been considering since a long time. Don't continue to post your loved one second to your professional concerns on your priority list, otherwise your relations with him/her may become conflictual. In your work, try to keep a very low figure: this will help your success.
You'll probably have the desire to change your life but at the same time will fear being alone or abandoned; in fact, you won't succeed in knowing what you actually want. These astral influences might compel you to suspend or even to withdraw certain plans, or on the contrary give you the desire to give free reins to your dynamism. Be very careful in your undertakings if you must handle important capitals or deal with the tax administration.
The Magus ![]() |
July 2009 Week 3
Just as Venus and Mars, the planets of love and passion, spend their second week together in your romantic sector, Mercury's move into your relationship sector over the weekend is opening the communication lines. While both your romantic and your relationship sectors are now active, there is a sense of urgency with Venus due to leave your romantic sector on the 1st August and Mercury in your relationship sector for just 2 weeks. This makes it more important than ever that you listen to your heart and the romantic passion that is available and that you work to keep the communication lines open. With your relationship sector active for 11 out of the next 12 months, but things wrapping up in your romantic sector by the end of next month, inject as much romance into things as possible
This is the time to put your efforts presently at work, as you are able to manage the flow of work. New visions of the future and new inspirations are likely to come along with it. Financially, setting realistic financial goals, as well as formulating such things as budgets and other sensible financial planning projects, will be favored during this time. Discovering ways to increase your income is featured. You are most practical now to increase your savings. This is uneven period of flow of income. This period is generally good to invest. Mutual funds, insurance policies, shares and speculations are beneficial. Selling of land is favourable than to purchase.
Romantic side will be highlighted this week as Mars enters the fifth house of love and Venus is already there accentuating your magnetism. If single, then you can find this week promising to meet someone special at the working place or any group. A friendship can also be turn into a stable relationship. If you are married, attunement to the relations is required now. Unbalancing energies of either partner may lead to little friction, which is balanced easily. Gentleness is required with your spouse. Understanding and cooperation will strengthen the bond between you two. Activities surrounding children will make you busy some time.
Students find this week promising and motivated. You will focus your energy to your aim and will do your level best to achieve it. This is not a promising week for practicing sports or competitions.
13th makes you materialistic today. Emotional about your belongings. Others value you for your ability to make practical decisions concerning group issues.
14th requires your attention in daily environments and improve it. You are in tune with your surroundings.
15th take care against sudden loss or theft. Obstacles at meetings. Love relations expands.
16th relationships with superiors may be strained at the moment. You may have to sacrifice your personal life to maintain career objectives or vice versa temporarily.
17th is favourable day at work. Harmonious surroundings. You are motivated to improve. Long term planning’s are favoured today.
18th is good for expanding your work. Little domestic turbulence. Practical decisions at work.
19th You are at your most practical when it comes to dealing and working with others. You know just what to do and can act without haste and emotion. You are called on to make use of your natural abilities and common sense.