Take your wallet and dump out the credit cards, cheque book and anything more than spare change that you may need for the day. Leave the plastic at home if you want to avoid making a costly mistake. You are vulnerable to impulsive purchases that you cannot afford.
You may have good ideas that could help boost your financial prospects today, but there may be self-doubt getting in your way. Your head is telling you one thing, and your heart tells you something else. It is a good idea to do more research, but believe in yourself!
You must be seen to be reliable, predictable and capable of following through on your word. You may have inadvertently promised something in a casual manner and will now have to face the music. Think carefully before agreeing to deliver something that you know in your heart is not possible.
Support from close friends, family, and the women in your life gives you extra confidence now. This is a good time to mend fences and smooth over problems in your home life. Try to find the positive aspects of situations before looking for the negative. It will get you farther and keep you on steadier ground emotionally.
If you continue to burn that candle at ends, your energy and charisma will be severely affected. If you want to look your best, you must get some much needed beauty rest. If you want to look hot, you must feel hot.
You may have good ideas that could help boost your financial prospects today, but there may be self-doubt getting in your way. Your head is telling you one thing, and your heart tells you something else. It is a good idea to do more research, but believe in yourself!
You must be seen to be reliable, predictable and capable of following through on your word. You may have inadvertently promised something in a casual manner and will now have to face the music. Think carefully before agreeing to deliver something that you know in your heart is not possible.
Support from close friends, family, and the women in your life gives you extra confidence now. This is a good time to mend fences and smooth over problems in your home life. Try to find the positive aspects of situations before looking for the negative. It will get you farther and keep you on steadier ground emotionally.
If you continue to burn that candle at ends, your energy and charisma will be severely affected. If you want to look your best, you must get some much needed beauty rest. If you want to look hot, you must feel hot.
The way is now open to you to launch your various professional projects; in addition, your tremendous energy will help you lift up mountains! In society, you'll show yourself affable and conciliatory; but in business you'll be ruthless. Almost nothing will come to perturb your life and you may feel some boredom; well, if you want some animation, then why not go and visit your mother-in-law?
The stars will favor all your endeavors: don't have doubts about your capacities; you have every chance to succeed in whatever you undertake. You may be admitted into a very closed circle, and you'll have a great feeling of pride and security. In your work, this will be the ideal time to achieve the project dearest to your heart and to promote your personal initiatives. Don't ever allow the past to haunt you, otherwise you'll create many worries for yourself. Good health conditions.
Queen of Chalices
The Queen of Chalices card suggests that my power today lies in intuition and drama. I trust my intuition and nurture an environment of deep devotion, patience, and intense passion. I mirror my hearts desire and am never too busy to connect to those who trust, love and need me. "It's the thought that counts." Many can say "I would die for them" -- only I can live for them -- spoken with sincerity by a true "Drama Queen." I am empowered by embracing my emotions as a gift and unconditional love is my Holy Grail or gift.
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