Both friendship and material benefits may well come to you at this time. You feel very sociable and gregarious, and seek conviviality, especially with people who really know how to have a good time. Charitable and philanthropic impulses are stronger now, also, and should be followed with positive action on your part. At this time you are able to be very clear and concise with other people, bringing out your desires and differences between yourself and others in a way that is unlikely to offend or stir up bad feelings. Because you appear confident, others are inclined to believe both what you say and do and join you for the adventure. Try to take interest in everyone who approaches you today. You may have preconceptions about what will make you happy, but now is the time to set them aside. You may be surprised by what gets your juices flowing. |
You'll be a bit confused or uncertain about your career direction today, but a lot of that will be caused by temporary triggers, like a boss's attitude, or the kind of feedback you are getting from coworkers. Take a few deep breaths and come back to it when you are more clear on your long-term intentions.
Justice represents the balance in life between right and wrong. It is a reminder that you are accountable for your actions and you must be prepared to accept the consequences of any misdeeds. You have been given the strength to fight injustice in everyday life, so bring balance back into the world around you.

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