You are given to exasperation and provocation right now, especially in some financial area of your life that you are trying to resolve. Accidents due to trying to force your hand, ignoring safety precautions, hurrying, or anger need to be safeguarded are possible as well. Letting go of your frustrations is really the only way out at this time.
Listen to a friend who offers help or advice on health issues. You may feel a little swamped just dealing with daily chores, and there is a pal who wants to help - but they may fear you'll be offended if they offer. Ask if they can help, you'll both enjoy working together.
You'll risk being edgy, irritable and morose; make a great effort to control your behavior and avoid useless clashes. Instead of nagging your spouse or scolding your children for trifles, why don't you try to tighten ties with them? Guard yourself against spending inconsiderately. Don't put all your eggs in one basket; you must show adaptability.
All that's related to savings, insurance, and income tax will this time take on more importance than customary. Always think of putting some money aside in anticipation of unexpected but indispensable expenses. Measure out your ambitions according to your possibilities; don't force anyone or anything. Beware of your present tendency to idealize those whom you meet, to believe too quickly those who say "I love you". Don't let yourself be swayed by members of your family who claim important expenses.
Stop doubting your own judgment. You know what's best for you, and will make the right choice..
The Devil
The Devil represents wild behaviour and reckless abandon. This is a card synonymous with temptation and addiction. At its worst, this card embodies evil, but at its best represents ambition, impulsiveness and pure devotion. You should be acutely aware of the destructive influences in your life and gather the strength to overcome them.

The Magician card affirms that my alter ego today is theImagineer or Director, whose superpower is a state-of-the-art design force. By bringing free will and intention together with natural principles, the creative process is transformed into a blueprint for success. The spell is cast, and I don't have to see it to believe it. As a creative wiz, I have what it takes: the presence of mind to do what I do best. I can apply or advance new ideas and entertain new possibilities with resourceful and inventive attention to detail. I lay it on the line. I set the stage for performing my own enterprising experiments to make it over and make it work. I leave it all behind so that I can simplify or renovate the formula. I read between the lines for tips and tricks to following conventional methods and guarding my reputation and my privacy.
MONDAY 29th June 2009
One dream at a time, small hopes compounding to become great expectations, that's the energy for you to put out today if you really want to manifest your dreams. All consuming fantasies have their place, but building possible dreams now can make the impossible happen sooner than later. You are in a mood to relax and enjoy quiet comfortable surroundings. Your family and friends are a source of particular pleasure and satisfaction, and you may wish to treat them or pamper them in some way. Appreciation for your home and a desire to make it more beautiful or comfortable is strong now also. Your road in social life will begin a clear ascent; you'll be appreciated and even idolized. Your intellectual capacities will be strengthened, which will help you understand and assimilate many things. In your work, don't let delays to set in, otherwise you'll soon be beset by numerous difficulties. Refrain from making big investments or purchases today, for your judgment will be clouded. |
Sudden unexpected events, and breaking free of confining situations and relationships are very likely at this time. Your usual routine is likely to be disrupted now, either by someone pushing you to hard and to fast into a commitment you really aren't ready Monday, June 29 The Lovers ![]() |
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