This is a time for discovering others or for finding yourself able to respond to friends and lovers. Also a time to enter into relationships with a renewed sense of love and compassion. Real breakthroughs, a willingness to try new and different approaches to relationships are going to get you farther than doing nothing at all.
You have decided that the trip you are considering is worth the potential risks, and you have worked out any power-struggles in advance. You have a good opportunity to make new friends while traveling, or over the Internet, anywhere where ideas are shared.
People you know will introduce you to a new club or group of people that will have great meaning in your life. Whether you share hobbies, interests or ideas, you will feel a strong emotional and spiritual bond that may help you deal with deep personal emotional issues. It's a good day to catch up on reading, research, study or paperwork.
You'll want to open yourself more to the external world and to find new subjects of interest. This astral climate will be favorable to all those who must undergo examinations for admission or promotion. Your health will improve if you slow down your life pace. Your domestic problems will soften down and you'll feel more relaxed. You don't have time to lose, so avoid those who have nothing to bring to you.
You'll have to begin to go through a difficult phase as regards money matters; it may be an additional amount of income tax to pay, a big sum to lay out, necessary capital to provide, or losses due to bad management. If you like original and pleasurable flirtations, you'll be well served; but don't hope to draw from them any possibility to stabilize yourself on the amorous plane. Your couple life may have to suffer from your present light and carefree attitude. Careerwise, the stars will support your efforts at reorientation and renovation.
The Wheel of Fortune

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