You are inclined to act on some of the wilder impulses and desires you feel from time to time. You crave stimulation and if you have an inventive side, you could make a startling discovery or breakthrough now. A strong sense of adventure makes this a very interesting time, especially when meeting new people or forming new relationships.
Relationships, good bad and indifferent, will take your attention for most of the day. There may be arguments with loved ones, most likely family members, but good times with friends and partners. Don't worry what people say or do today, their attitudes are changing with the wind.
A recent romantic mishap may be keeping you from moving on. Instead of trying to forget what happened, try to figure out how to prevent it from happening again. Take pre-emptive measures this time.
You will spend a lot of time tripping over your words today if you push yourself too hard. You will not be at your most patient, and this can interfere with your intuition and critical assessment of challenging situations. There are opportunities, keep an open mind!
Don't work harder than you need to. If a shortcut will work, why not take it?.
This will be the time to take financial decisions and to make useful purchases. Despite the problems that beset your couple at present, don't opt for a breaking off on the spur of the moment. You'll be able to enlarge the field of your professional activities or to improve your performances. Keep or renew contacts with your old friends. If you feel threatened by anguish, fight it by an intense physical activity.
The Star

The Lovers card affirms my alter ego is a port key to a Soul Mate or deal, whose superpower is compatibility in the midst of reconciling dichotomy to interconnect as a whole new entity or 'color.' To be or not to be: at ultimatum or rival tensions mounting, negotiating acceptable trade-offs validates our unique perspectives to reflect what each lacks for a balanced voice of truce. When we're together I'm beside myself, so I concede mutual vested interest, incentive or opportunity to my other half for valued consideration. For only by the power of self-respect in reciprocal vulnerability, need and compassion do 'me and thee consummate we.' The rest is all a dance on the sidelines of Cinderella Pandering or prohibition, or around a Bermuda Triangle of bottom line temptation to cheat by provocation, promiscuity, or shame. But here at the gate of impasse, I still have a choice and my pride.
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