Whistle a different tune, because too much complaining about something you cannot change, could become irritating to someone you really want to make a good impression on. It's value for your dollar when you make an effort to attend a recommended sale. Be sure to return all calls you miss today, as one may hold the path to future opportunities.
Aquarius Love Horoscope
Cute Horoscope
Profit by the present favorable planetary ambience to regain confidence in yourself and your capacities; go ahead in all fields without fear and hesitation. You'll be quite greedy of activities and pleasures and inclined to overdo things; thus you'll need clear-sightedness and willpower so as to remain within reasonable limits. The prevailing circumstances will allow you to improve your conjugal relationships; but it will remain much to do in order to give your couple life all the possible charm.
The Metal Rooster
However deeply you may think, it will be quite difficult for you to control your love affairs. Your partner may prove to be elusive and evasive; you'll sometimes have the impression that he/she's plotting behind your back; nevertheless, don't try to explore his/her mystery. This astral climate will be favorable to investments and business associations for all natives of the sign. However, it would be opportune to consult a competent Chinese astrologer concerning your associates.
Daily Tarot Card
The Lovers
The Lovers represent a powerful union and the harmony of opposites. It represents the combining of two elements to create an even greater entity. This card often represents the formation of a new relationship or the strengthening of a current one. Love can come your way at anytime. There are difficult decisions to be made and conflict may arise when temptation and desire overcome morals and ethics.

The Hierophant card affirms my alter ego is mandated to practice what I preach as both a First Among Equals andDisciple to its network or fold. Dual port-keys decode my superpowers to account and self-preserve, bound to conform by faith or rights under equal protection, or resist to re-balance high-handed architecture that's on the brink of collapse under its own culture, hypocrisy and crossed virtues. Being in or out of the Barnyard Pageant sets a line or oath between 'us' and 'them' but today's dose of theatrical humility, passive climate or organized troubles lends credibility or continuity by promoting rank and file image. By popular demand I bow to the master or am compelled to honor a blueprint, uniform or code of common decency to get to the top or bottom of it. Take me to your leader and I'm inclined to condescend to acquiesce to a request, unless inconsistent with house rules.
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